Egyptian Book of the Dead
Egyptian Book of the Dead PDF Click Here!
Ancient Aircraft and Atomic War in India
Found in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India are descriptions of wonderous aeronautical craft…Craft that flew the skies thousands of years before mankind rediscovered...
Egyptian Books of Breathing
By Michael D. Rhodes
Hieroglyphic Text Accompanying the Vignette.
(1) . . . god’s servant of Amon-Re, of the gods, god’s servant of Min, ....
Nibiru Evidence in Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform
Ever so often, we come across what the Archive calls a Sitchin debunker. This is a person who attempts to discredit author Zecharia Sitchin...
Evidence of Anunnaki
Academia deems Sitchin is wrong, yet with each passing day it seems scientific and archaeological discoveries serve to bolster the veracity of Sitchin’s thesis...
The Original Great Flood
The story of a Great Flood sent by God or the gods to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution is a widespread...
Castle of the Sealand kings: Discovering ancient Iraq’s rebel rulers
The Kings of the Sealand sound like they come straight out of a fantasy novel but it’s the name given to a royal dynasty...
History of Ancient Astronaut Theory [Part 2]
History of Ancient Astronaut Theory
Check out Part 1 here:
In many cases throughout the ancient past, the lines are blurred between what was...
Atrahasis – Creation and Destruction of Humankind
Atra-Hasis was a central figure in the ‘creation’ and ‘deluge’ accounts chronicled by the Sumerians hundreds of years before the first book of the...
Robots and Automata of the Ancients
In the 21st century, humans have become well-acquainted with not only the concept but also the practical reality of robots. In fact, robots have...