Saturday, April 27, 2024

Egyptian Books of Breathing

By Michael D. Rhodes ________________________________________ Hieroglyphic Text Accompanying the Vignette. (1) . . . god’s servant of Amon-Re, of the gods, god’s servant of Min, ....

Out of Place Artifacts – 2021 Edition

The Archive released a video in 2015 detailing ten Out of Place Artifacts derived from a detailed viewer poll. During the compilation of potential...

Egyptian Book of the Dead

Egyptian Book of the Dead PDF Click Here!  

To the Sitchin Haters…

In general, when an alternate theory is put forth that discounts or directly refutes established academic consensus (even from within its own ranks), one...

Book of Enoch Section 1- Book of the Watchers

This first section of the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the Nephilim and narrates the travels...

History of Giants on Earth

Throughout recorded history, there have been legends about giants among cultures worldwide, including Mesopotamia and the Middle East, Egypt, India, China, Japan, Greece, Rome,...

1977 Alien Broadcast Hack

The Southern Television hijacking was a television intrusion incident that occurred on 26 November 1977, at 5:10 p.m. The hijack managed to override the...

Ancient Architecture: Baalbek, Great Pyramid and Ziggurat of Ur

Ancient Architecture Volume 2: Baalbek, Great Pyramid and Ziggurat of Ur #Baalbek - The megalithic ruins located in Baalbek are AMONG the most magnificent...

Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Wars – [8970 BCE and 8670 BCE]

The ancient Egyptian pyramid wars are theorized to have taken place about a millennia after the Great Deluge. The 1st Pyramid War could very...

Dwarka Krishna’s Lost City Discovered

As time marches on, archaeologists all over the world have been discovering ancient cities that were once thought to be myths or legends. Troy,...


Tower of Babel – Marduk’s Failure

'Tower of Babel - Marduk's Failure' is a presentation of the real story of the Tower of Babel found in the Bible. Some modern...

The Curse of Agade