Monday, April 29, 2024

Americas’ Ancient Astronauts

Most of us would agree that the vast amounts of on-going discoveries, archaeological finds and research that support the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis originate predominantly...

Planet 9 – History and Location [2021 Update]

It may come as a surprise to many people but the hunt for Planet 9 actually began over a century ago within the ranks...

Anunnaki Wars in Ancient India

#ancient #alien #india India is a land of ancient wonder and timeless legends. The ancient Vedic texts such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata...

Akhenaten, Moses & Monotheism

Rebel, tyrant, and prophet of arguably the world’s earliest monotheistic religion, Akhenaten has been called history’s first individual. His impact upon ancient Egyptian customs...

Orion Constellation in Egyptian, Mayan and Hopi Cultures

Many ancient cultures shared the belief that we came from the stars. For dozens of millennia if not longer, humans have been plotting the...

Ancient Aircraft and Atomic War in India

Found in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India are descriptions of wonderous aeronautical craft…Craft that flew the skies thousands of years before mankind rediscovered...

Alien Moon Structures and Anomalies

#Alien #Moon #Anomalies Earth's Weird Moon - Alien Structures and Anomalies Exposed catalogs some of the most stunning moon anomalies over the last 60+...

Archaeology 2020 – July – August

Welcome to the fourth edition of Archaeology 2020. Every two months the Archive publishes a new update covering some of the most important archaeological,...

Alien Corpses Revealed – Real or Hoax? [UPDATE]

Alien Corpses Revealed in Mexico Congress Real or Hoax? A controversy has broken out over two 'alien mummies' that were presented in Mexico...

Hidden History and Academic Elitism

In the world of academia, one must play by a certain set of rules or risk being labeled a renegade and discredited. The scholars...


Tower of Babel – Marduk’s Failure

'Tower of Babel - Marduk's Failure' is a presentation of the real story of the Tower of Babel found in the Bible. Some modern...

The Curse of Agade