Thursday, March 20, 2025

Oldest Maya Calendar Discovered

Buried within the Las Pinturas pyramid in San Bartolo, Guatemala, thousands of painted plaster mural fragments offer a window into ancient Maya civilization. Two...

4000 Year Old Sumerian Riverboat Unearthed

The Archive wanted to relay a bit of archaeology news that may have flown under the radar back in 2018 when archaeologists discovered an...

Machu Picchu Renamed?

According to a new analysis of historical documents, Machu Picchu has the wrong name. It's one of the world's most famous archaeological sites but...

Antarctica – Shipwrecks, Crashed UFOs and Secret Bases

An astounding Antarctic discovery was announced March 5th, 2022. Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance has finally been located. Antarctica has long been a source of mysteries...

2021 Archaeology Review

Topics: -The oldest-known art depicting real objects -13-foot-long ‘Book of the Dead’ scroll found in Egypt -Ritual monument discovered in Scotland dates to Stonehenge -Siberian hunters and domesticated...

Olmecs Revealed – 478 Cosmic Structures Discovered

A report published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour on October 25th, 2021, revealed the discovery of 478 ceremonial complexes in the Mexican states...

Nibiru Update 2021

Over the past couple of decades, the topic of Nibiru has been steadily perverted by fearmongers and media outlets looking for clicks from your...

Egyptian Books of Breathing – New Analysis

The spellbinding practice of the ancient Egyptians to help their dearly departed cross over to the next world has enthralled Egyptologists for more than...

Archaeology 2020 – July – August

Welcome to the fourth edition of Archaeology 2020. Every two months the Archive publishes a new update covering some of the most important archaeological,...

In the pursuit of knowledge regarding potential paleocontact contacts in our distant past, researching certain texts can be helpful in understanding predicate timelines to...