2021 Archaeology Review

-The oldest-known art depicting real objects
-13-foot-long ‘Book of the Dead’ scroll found in Egypt
-Ritual monument discovered in Scotland dates to Stonehenge
-Siberian hunters and domesticated dogs 23,000 years ago
-Ancient Humans Had Stone Tools Before Opposable Thumbs
-635 million-year-old fossil is the oldest known land fungus
-Prehistoric etchings oldest evidence of human use of symbols
-Ancient mummies with golden tongues unearthed in Egypt
-World’s oldest known beer factory unearthed in Egypt
-Neanderthals and Homo sapiens used identical Nubian technology
-Ingredients for life found in 3.5 Billion-year-old rocks in Australia
-4.4 million-year-old skeleton reveals how humans began to walk upright
-Primate ancestor of all humans likely roamed with the dinosaurs
-World’s oldest ‘pet cemetery’ discovered in ancient Egypt
-Neanderthals disappeared earlier than professors teach
-Unlocked secrets of the ancient ‘Antikythera Mechanism’
-Ancient Native Americans were among the world’s first coppersmiths
-Wooden Statue is over 7,000 years older than Stonehenge
-Sprawling 5,000-year-old cemetery and fortress discovered in Poland
-Identity of mysterious ‘Hobbits’ possibly found
-Antarctica asteroid impact from 430,000 years ago discovered
-Humans were actually apex predators for 2 million years
-Europe’s oldest humans mated with Neandertals surprisingly often
-Stone slab found in France thought to be Europe’s oldest 3D map
-Second author for one of The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered
-Oldest home in human history, 2 million years ago
-Earth’s crust is way, way older than we thought
-Saudi Arabian structures that are older than the pyramids
-First-known pregnant mummy discovered
-Archaeologists uncover oldest human burial in Africa
-Earth’s oldest known multicellular life
-Scientists find ‘missing link’ behind first human languages
-The largest images ever made by human hands
-Oldest war memorial in Syria
-Humans were in the Americas 20,000 years earlier than thought
-Māori traveled to Antarctica at least 1,000 years before Europeans
-7,000-year-old letter seal found in Israel
-9,000-year-old stone artifacts underwater in Lake Huron
-5,000-year-old man was ‘oldest plague victim’
-Changes in Earth’s orbit enabled the emergence of complex life
-Oldest known cosmetics found on Balkan Peninsula
-Only 7% of our DNA is unique compared to our ancestors
-Mexican archaeologists forced to bury an Aztec discovery
-‘Eye of Sauron’ discovered in underwater ‘Mordor’
-Iceland is tip of a lost, sunken continent
-The terrifying ‘dragon’ of ancient Australia
-Machu Picchu older than expected
-New record set in China for oldest known coin-making facility
-Archaeologists reveal origins of famous Stone Age monument
-7,200-year-old human Denisovan DNA has been found in Indonesia
-Beer was drunk in China 9,000 years ago
-America’s first civilization was made up of ‘sophisticated’ engineers
-Mysterious skeletons rewrite history of Japanese ancestry
-Cause of 900 year-old light determined
-When and how Polynesians settled the Pacific Islands
-Human footprints thought to be oldest in North America discovered
-Evidence of northernmost Stone Age hunters above the Arctic Circle
-Oldest footprints of pre-humans identified in Crete
-Europeans knew of America long before Columbus set sail
-Earth tipped on its side 84 million years ago
-Mayan calendar was already in use 3,400 years ago
-500,000 year-old Human species named as Homo bodoensis
-Ancient wooden Maya canoe unearthed almost intact in Mexico
-Earth’s 1st continents hundreds of millions of years older than thought
-Earliest evidence of humans decorating jewelry in Eurasia
-Unearth mummy estimated to be at least 800 years old in Peru
-Unknown human ancestor left 3.7-million-year-old footprints in Africa
-Discovery of ancient sheep DNA revises origin story for Viking colony
-Researchers locate lost temple of Hercules
-Scientists confirm the biggest bug to ever exist