Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Silurian Hypothesis

What if another industrial civilization had existed on Earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans, but all traces of it have...

Stephen Hawking’s Last Theory

With a science paper published after his death, Stephen Hawking has revived debate on a deeply divisive question for cosmologists: Is our Universe just...

World’s Largest Underground City Discovered in Turkey

Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered what they believe is the largest underground city in the world to date. The ancient underground city which includes...

Anunnaki Gods of Ancient Greece

One of the most entertaining and enticing aspects of Greek culture is its elaborate mythology that involves gods, heroes, deeds, and mortals, all of...

Evidence of Anunnaki

Academia deems Sitchin is wrong, yet with each passing day it seems scientific and archaeological discoveries serve to bolster the veracity of Sitchin’s thesis...

Anunnaki Gold

In the quest for knowledge about the Anunnaki, most of us have confronted the basic but legitimate questions about gold…and the Anunnaki need for...

Anunnaki in Ancient Mesopotamian Texts

Many of the presentations on this channel are about the Anunnaki and the different interpretations of this group throughout Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian...

Ancient Aircraft and Atomic War in India

Found in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India are descriptions of wonderous aeronautical craft…Craft that flew the skies thousands of years before mankind rediscovered...

Ancient Immortality

For millennia humans have sought to escape the ravages of aging and avoid the potential darkness of death using a myriad of methods and...

Non-human Biologics Found?! 2hr Congressional Hearing

Non-human Biologics and UAPs - U.S. Congressional Hearing 07-26-2023 On Wednesday, July 26th 2023, the House Oversight Committee on National Security, the Border, and...


Seven Gods Who Decree Fate – Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursaĝ, Nanna,...

The seven who decree fate were the ruling council of the gods in Sumer. They would take advice from the high gods and the...

The Curse of Agade