Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Ancient Architecture: Baalbek, Great Pyramid and Ziggurat of Ur

Ancient Architecture Volume 2: Baalbek, Great Pyramid and Ziggurat of Ur #Baalbek - The megalithic ruins located in Baalbek are AMONG the most magnificent...

Egyptian Books of Breathing – New Analysis

The spellbinding practice of the ancient Egyptians to help their dearly departed cross over to the next world has enthralled Egyptologists for more than...

The Ancient Hopi & Star People

The Hopi, the westernmost branch of the Pueblo Indians, are believed to be descendants of an ancient people who built a sophisticated civilization in...


#Baalbek Ancient ruins around the world have withstood the test of time and remain standing for academics and laymen alike to ponder and study. Many...

Atlantis, Anunnaki, Ancient Egypt and Akashic Record | Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce mostly gave psychic readings for people that were in great difficulty or suffering but he also prophesied about world events, past and...

Anunnaki Gods of Ancient Egypt

This presentation is primarily sourced from the works of Zecharia Sitchin; specifically "The Wars of Gods and Men." Incredible as it may sound, a...

Evidence of Anunnaki

Academia deems Sitchin is wrong, yet with each passing day it seems scientific and archaeological discoveries serve to bolster the veracity of Sitchin’s thesis...

Are Humans A Slave Species?

It is prudent to understand that the query put forth here is not the same as ‘Are humans slaves to other humans?’. The question...

Anunnaki Gods of Ancient Norse

The Anunnaki presence on Earth has spawned and permeated every major ancient civilization since the last Ice Age. Our long-time viewers are likely familiar with...

Olmecs Revealed – 478 Cosmic Structures Discovered

A report published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour on October 25th, 2021, revealed the discovery of 478 ceremonial complexes in the Mexican states...


Tower of Babel – Marduk’s Failure

'Tower of Babel - Marduk's Failure' is a presentation of the real story of the Tower of Babel found in the Bible. Some modern...

The Curse of Agade