Friday, April 19, 2024

NEW! Archive YouTube Memberships

The Archive is pleased to announce the introduction of memberships to our channel. This feature will allow our viewers to offer additional support to...

Giants in the Bible Explained – Nephilim, Rephaim & Anakim

Giants in the Bible Explained - Nephilim, Rephaim & Anakim is a detailed look at the appearance of giants in the Bible. Stories of...

Orion Constellation in Egyptian, Mayan and Hopi Cultures

Many ancient cultures shared the belief that we came from the stars. For dozens of millennia if not longer, humans have been plotting the...

History of Giants on Earth 3

For millennia Native Americans have preserved oral traditions which speak of a time, very long ago, when their ancestors came into conflict with "giants"...

Atlantis, Anunnaki, Ancient Egypt and Akashic Record | Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce mostly gave psychic readings for people that were in great difficulty or suffering but he also prophesied about world events, past and...

Anunnaki Wars in Ancient India

#ancient #alien #india India is a land of ancient wonder and timeless legends. The ancient Vedic texts such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata...

Apocalypse – Doomsayers and the Book of Revelation

"Most apocalypses follow a similar pattern: Mankind will suffer upheaval during a future global cataclysm. The cataclysm will be followed by a Day of...

Anunnaki Genetic Engineering of Humans

Did modern life on Earth evolve over millions of years, or was it created in the blink of an eye by God? This is...

Christmas Before Jesus – The 4,000-Year-Old Holiday

It is rather ironic how many Christians today complain about how Christ has been taken out of Christmas - how it has become a...

Book of Secrets | Enoch 2 – Slavonic Enoch

#Enoch #BookofSecrets #SlavonicEnoch 2 Enoch is a Jewish text preserved solely in the Slavonic language. The central theme of the text is the celestial ascent...


Tower of Babel – Marduk’s Failure

'Tower of Babel - Marduk's Failure' is a presentation of the real story of the Tower of Babel found in the Bible. Some modern...

The Curse of Agade