Thursday, April 25, 2024

Emerald Tablet of Hermes Explained

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes, also known as the Smaragdine Tablet, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed...

Nibiru Update 2021

Over the past couple of decades, the topic of Nibiru has been steadily perverted by fearmongers and media outlets looking for clicks from your...

History of Giants on Earth 3

For millennia Native Americans have preserved oral traditions which speak of a time, very long ago, when their ancestors came into conflict with "giants"...

Antarctica – Shipwrecks, Crashed UFOs and Secret Bases

An astounding Antarctic discovery was announced March 5th, 2022. Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance has finally been located. Antarctica has long been a source of mysteries...

Tower of Babel – Marduk’s Failure

'Tower of Babel - Marduk's Failure' is a presentation of the real story of the Tower of Babel found in the Bible. Some modern...

Anunnaki Gold

In the quest for knowledge about the Anunnaki, most of us have confronted the basic but legitimate questions about gold…and the Anunnaki need for...

Anunnaki Wars in Ancient India

#ancient #alien #india India is a land of ancient wonder and timeless legends. The ancient Vedic texts such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata...

Stephen Hawking’s Last Theory

With a science paper published after his death, Stephen Hawking has revived debate on a deeply divisive question for cosmologists: Is our Universe just...

Archaeology 2020 – January – February (Edition 1)

Welcome to the first edition of Archaeology 2020. Every two months the Archive publishes a new update covering some of the most important archaeological...

Apocalypse – Doomsayers and the Book of Revelation

"Most apocalypses follow a similar pattern: Mankind will suffer upheaval during a future global cataclysm. The cataclysm will be followed by a Day of...


Tower of Babel – Marduk’s Failure

'Tower of Babel - Marduk's Failure' is a presentation of the real story of the Tower of Babel found in the Bible. Some modern...

The Curse of Agade