Saturday, April 20, 2024

Illuminati and Freemasons – Secret Societies Revealed

The modern online world is well acquainted with the Illuminati. Ever since their inception, this 18th century secret society has captured the imaginations of...

The Original Great Flood

The story of a Great Flood sent by God or the gods to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution is a widespread...

Oldest Maya Calendar Discovered

Buried within the Las Pinturas pyramid in San Bartolo, Guatemala, thousands of painted plaster mural fragments offer a window into ancient Maya civilization. Two...

Ancient Architecture: Baalbek, Great Pyramid and Ziggurat of Ur

Ancient Architecture Volume 2: Baalbek, Great Pyramid and Ziggurat of Ur #Baalbek - The megalithic ruins located in Baalbek are AMONG the most magnificent...

Atrahasis Explained – The Original Great Flood

The story of Noah's Ark first appeared between the 10th and 6th centuries BC in compositions that became part of the Jewish Torah and...

Enki vs Enlil – The Evil Wind

In ancient Mesopotamian texts, we find not only descriptions of weapons of mass destruction but also their actual use. And of course, what has...

Mysterious Creatures from the Book of Jasher Found on Mayan Stela

Is an ancient Mayan Stela related to the mysterious creatures described in the Book of Jasher? The Book of Jasher is an alternate narrative...

1977 Alien Broadcast Hack

The Southern Television hijacking was a television intrusion incident that occurred on 26 November 1977, at 5:10 p.m. The hijack managed to override the...

Archaeology 2020 – March – April

Welcome to the second edition of Archaeology 2020. Every two months the Archive publishes a new update covering some of the most important archaeological,...

Zecharia Sitchin and the Anunnaki Paradigm

In this special presentation in honor of Mr. Sitchin’s 100th birthday, the Archive declares its enormous respect and debt of gratitude to a man...


Tower of Babel – Marduk’s Failure

'Tower of Babel - Marduk's Failure' is a presentation of the real story of the Tower of Babel found in the Bible. Some modern...

The Curse of Agade